Contact us - Individuals
If you have no recourse to public funds and you would like advice on accessing local authority social care and support, please complete this form and we will get back to you within three working days days
By submitting this form you are agreeing that The Care Rights Project can store your personal information. This information will be used to progress your case, and to monitor our enquiries. We will not share your information outside The Care Rights Project unless you ask us to.
Please note, we cannot currently take on any urgent cases. If you need help and advice urgently, you can find a community care solicitor using the Law Society website.
Contact us - Professionals
If you are working with someone with care needs who has no recourse to public funds and you would like to discuss their case with us, please use this form and we will aim to contact you within three working days. If you have a general enquiry or would like to discuss training, please email admin@thecarerightsproject.org
For advice - advice@thecarerightsproject.org
For training and admin enquiries - admin@thecarerightsproject.org
07565 109799
The Care Rights Project
PO Box 386 Northwood
The Care Rights Project is committed to offering the best possible service to our clients and we always welcome feedback.
Clients and those assisting them, staff, volunteers or anyone else working with The Care Rights Project can give us feedback in any form, although we find it particularly useful when it is written down (or we are given the chance to write it down in full) as this gives us the best opportunity to learn from it. Feedback can be given directly to the person who is helping you with your case, or to the coordinator or any member of the board of Trustees.
If you would like to make a complaint about The Care Rights Project, you can do this either by speaking to the coordinator (who will make a written record of what you say), by sending an email to advice@thecarerightsproject.org or sending a letter to The Care Rights Project, PO Box 386, Northwood, HA6 9HQ.
Your complaint will be looked at by the coordinator who will contact you within 7 days to acknowledge your complaint and within 21 days to try to find a resolution you are happy with. If your complaint is about the coordinator, or you are not happy with the resolution suggested, your complaint will be passed on to the board of Trustees. A Trustee will contact you within 14 days and will try to find a resolution you are happy with within 28 days.
If you are not happy with our response, depending on the nature of your complaint, you may wish to seek independent legal advice, you can find a solicitor using the Law Society website.