Resources for advisers and professionals
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If you would like to discuss a specific case with us, please use this form or call us on 07565109799 and leave us a message - we will aim to contact you within three working days.
We have partnered with Project 17 to produce a number of resources to help advisers to navigate Care Act support in different situations.
You can use our flowchart to check if your client will be owed a duty under the Care Act 2014 and then choose the guide and template letter that best reflects their circumstances.
Guide to understanding Care Act support - you can read in detail about the eligibility criteria, assessment process and the risks associated with accessing support. You can use one of our template letters depending on your client’s situation:
Leave to Remain NRPF/non-urgent
If your client has already requested support under the Care Act and been refused, you can read our Guide to Challenging Care Act Decisions
You can read our guidance specifically for families with NRPF who are already getting support from their local authority under Section 17 of the Children Act. You can then use a template referral letter depending on whether your client is undocumented or has leave to remain with an NRPF condition.
You can read our guidance on getting Care Act support for people who are pregnant and have no other dependent children living with them. You can then use the template letter that best reflects your client’s situation:-
We offer training on Care Act support for people with NRPF!
If you would like to talk to us about delivering training to your organisation, please email admin@thecarerightsproject.org or call 07565109799 and leave us a message.